by F. Scott Tonges

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Like a Navy SEAL is a "Warfare Engineer" You can become A Real Estate
 "Solution Engineer" 
with Multiple Ways to Profit In Real Estate

Real Estate Investors

Learn the Extreme Profit, Low Risk Methods of Master Investors In A Few Days, 
Not Years, for the Price of a Lunch for 2 At Chick-fil-A

Commercial & Residential

 Get A FREE Look At Chapter One Right Now - See Button at Bottom, but First......



  •  Generating Seed Capital Should Be Goal One. 
  • ​​You Don't Need 25% Down.   $100 Can Do it. 
  • ​You Don't Need A New Loan.  You'll Learn a Secret to Get an Owner to Jump at Seller Financing. 
  • ​Mangement from 1,000 Miles Away is Doable Today. 
  • ​Non-Recourse Loans Work if You Know How to Buy Right
  • ​You Don't Need Cash, Credit, Banks or Partners. 
  •  You Can Grow Your Assets Quickly Using Equity From ONE Property...and Still Have Interest In The One You Start With. 
  • Master Investors Don't Buy Single Digit Return Deals. They Buy 50% , 200%  & Greater Return Deals.  You'll See What to Do. 
  • ​Risk Can Be All But Eliminated on the Most "Risky" Appearing Deal. 
  • ​Learn The Asset Types That Can Be Made More Profitable In Months, Not Years., With New Tech.   It's NOT Apartments. 

Some Things You'll Learn

  •  How to calculate value in minutes so you know a profitable deal from a loser.  
  • ​How all income property types follow the same, simple pattern of analysis so you can determine opportunity in minutes, then pursue the deal or sell the opportunity. 
  •  Learn what the pros do so you can make money with assignments at zero cost to you, using just knowledge: passing bargains on the bargain hunters with all property types. 
  •  Work from anywhere without travel. See examples of profiting while living in one state, the property in another, and the end buyer in a 3rd state.   Investment, zero. 
  • ​​You'll learn 2 ways to profit, like $600,000 (all in cost) property that is turned into a $ 1 million asset. Acquire it or package it and sell the package at zero cost to you. 
  •  How to Profit from Properties You Lease but Never Own. 
  •  You'll see how the information in this book can will save you time and years of study and "lessons" you DO NOT WANT. 
  • ​You learn how to become conversant in investment real estate so you don't make a fool of yourself.  Yikes !

That Led to This Book

The first time I met George Ablah in person was aboard his $12 million dollar Gulf Stream Jet.  George had recently completed an 800 property purchase for $120,000,000 and would later sell it for over $180,000,000.  What he told me is important to all real estate investors. 

"What I do on a large scale, anyone can do on a small scale".  

Next, he scribbled down the profit formula he used on his investments.  You can discover it in this book.
Jerry J. Moore was an investor in troubled shopping centers. Helping Jerry acquire a few of what would become a 100 property portfolio, I learned, and you can too, how to all but "ELIMINATE RISK" 

Darby Suiter walked into my office on a Saturday morning, asked for a purchase form and typed a contract to buy an apartment for $850,000. We closed in 10 days.  I went on to help him grow from 220 units to over 700 units. On the side, he accumulated 150 homes. His lesson you can learn about: 

Howard Ruby created the Oakwood Worldwide  empire of Apartments & Commercial Properties.  As his employed acquisitions guy for 5 states  I learned how he created increased cash flow in months, not years.  All was applied to large, institutional sized buildings (apartments, office, retail, and office-service centers), but it can be done on even the smallest property type.  Meeting the needs of certain markets and offering world class management was the key.  But you can learn how to apply it as well.  One of the nicest and most generous guys I was lucky enough to work with/for and know.  

Ron Legrand is, hands down, the most experienced residential property investor in the country & the best educator.  With over 3,000 deals, and counting, he teaches unorthodox methods I'd never heard of. I stumbled through my first Ron style deal and turned $50 into an $11,500 profit on a home I never owned.  That one profit financed plenty of other deals.  His ideas translate to commercial deals, too.  You'll see some real world examples in the book offered here.  Thank you, Ron. 

I'm a reporter who took good notes 


Property Empire
How To Build Wealth With Real Estate Using the Secrets of Master Investors
This book is not about me.  I'm no guru; more Clark Kent than Superman but with no superpower underneath.  I'm a reporter. It's the culmination of my one-on-one experiences and the education I received from these and other investors, some of the most experienced and successful in America.  Their expertise was gained over decades, so this is the condensed knowledge of their 100's of years of real estate investment made understandable & simplified into what every investor should know.  

Part diary and plenty of "how to",  you'll learn how to determine VALUE with all property types which is the Holy Grail of all real estate investment.  Then you'll learn how to make profits with this knowledge in ways few ever do.  Unorthodox, but smart. 
Just below, with the push of a button, you can read the introduction and first chapter.

F. Scott Tonges

About the Author : Named among the top 2% of commercial real estate brokers in the US, by CBRE, Scott’s 45 year career has spanned every facet of investment real estate. Spending an minimum of 6 years focused on each commercial property type, he also founded a commercial property management firm operating in 5 cities overseeing 1,840 apartment units and 500,000 SF of commercial space. He has developed both commercial and residential properties, founded a residential brokerage firm, and has been involved in transactions from modest to $220 million dollars. He taught real estate investment to professionals for continuing ed credit for 5 years in Colorado. 

Today, Scott's a private investor, consultant, specialty broker, and helps 

Client letter excerpts regarding Scott Tonges. Full letters available upon request
Re: Texas Medical Center 60,000 Multi-Tenant Investment Building.  Management and refinance. Letter from Owner-Bert Zweig, Esq / Chairman – Corp Finance Division of the law firm Finley, Kumble, Wagner.          Beverly Hills, CA.
 “I can say he is an expert in real estate finance, development, and sales. Mr. Tonges has performed such services for me and for others with whom I am associated, all to our great satisfaction. I respect his experience and rely heavily on his judgment in such matters.”

Re: Analysis of a Planned, Full Service Hotel Acquisition by Brokers Client. Brokers note to me after a meeting with his client on a paid basis. Broker: J. Jackson. “Scott, thanks so much! Your knowledge in this area of real estate is quite obvious”

Re: Management and Sale of Several Apartment Complexes. Owner: Eastern Savings Bank – Scarsdale, NY. Coleman Donaldson, Assistant Vice President. “…they (Tonges – McKelvy firm) possess broad knowledge of the financing and marketing of commercial real estate projects which is essential in today’s competitive & complex market. I hold both individuals in the highest esteem”

Re: Development & Brokerage. Service: Employed Attorney; Joe Bax, Esq – Hoover, Bax, & Shearer. “…has always conducted himself in professional manner. He is a most capable individual with a rather broad range of abilities.”

Re: Acquisition Brokerage, Management & Resale of 713 Unit Apartment Portfolio – Client: Sparhawk Development- North Reading, Massachusetts “Scott and his firm have done great job managing the apartments and also reselling 566 units (so far) for a profit”

Re: Single Mom seeking to own her first 4 plex. Unsolicited email. Laura N. “I never forgot you & am so thankful and blessed that I received your time and coaching years ago…As of December 2016, I purchased my first 4 plex…I did it !”

Re: 168 Room Hotel Sale – Owner: Group of 15 attorneys – Tom Farr, Managing Member/ Miami, FL / Cash sale. “…the letter of intent was signed Nov 15, and the transaction closed December 27. Our group was pleased with Scott’s professional attitude and methods of keeping everyone informed, especially given the fast pace once this final transaction got underway.”

Re: 5 Office Buildings Development-Houston – Keven Sellers – Vice President / Tribble & Stephens /        General Contractor
"Our knowledge of investment developers has been obtained through hundreds of contractual arrangements such as this one, and we have never dealt with anyone more professional. As the project progressed, Scott's ability to make essential decisions was outstanding along with the timely processing of our progress payments. We cannot say enough good things about Scott Tonges and have never enjoyed a better relationship with any developer.”

OK, Enough ! Right Now You Can Read: 

   1. The Introduction (my odd start from knowing nothing)
2.   The Table of Contents (all the subjects you'll learn about)
3.  Chapter One: Don't Miss the Page 23 About Starting from ZERO & How Step Two Works for Existing Property Owners to Accelerate Revenues & Values.
4. And you'll get the free "street smart investing" email series, too.  

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      Phone - Colorado 970-731-4421 - Texas 713-234-5307

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